emergency kit

Emergency Supplies Kit for Hurricanes

Hurricane season runs from the beginning of June through to the end of November. The most active month being September. With the potential for severe weather situations, we suggest putting together a supplies kit to make sure you and your family are prepared in the event of an emergency. Use this list as a starting point, and then think about any additional needs of your family. If you have infants, pets, or seniors in the family, they may require unique supplies beyond what is included in this list.


  • A three day supply of non-perishable food
    • Include paper plates and plastic utensils, and a manual can opener (if needed)
  • A three day supply of water
    • One gallon per person per day - to be used for drinking as well as sanitation
  • Battery operated or hand-crank radio
    • For storm updates, especially if cell phone signal is lost
  • Extra batteries
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Matches in a waterproof container
  • Small, basic tool set
    • Wrench, pliers
Car & Electronics
  • Cell phones with chargers
    • Use text or social media to communicate with family and friends. Save phone calls for emergencies only.
  • Weego Jump Starter
    • This is a powerful, multi-purpose tool that can be used as a flashlight, to charge phones, and to jump start your car
  • Road maps
  • Full tank of gas
Personal Care
  • Wipes, garbage bags, and personal hygiene items
    • Glasses and contact lens solution
  • A change of clothing
    • Be aware of your climate as well as the weather conditions. Include a sturdy pair of shoes.
  • Blankets
  • First aid kit
  • Prescription medications
    • and non-prescription medications such as pain reliever or antacids
  • Important documents
    • Save electronically or in a water proof container
  • Cash and change
Make a plan with your family for what to do in the event of an emergency. Make sure everyone in the family knows where the supply kit is, and that it is easily accessible and portable so you can easily take it with you as needed. Read these articles by Ready.gov and National Geographic for more tips on how to be prepared and safe before, during, and after a hurricane.

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